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Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

The risk of premarital sex everyone would have to know, that is PREGNANT and finally MBA aka Married By Accident (when it's gini who is ashamed ...). In addition it is with premarital sex are at risk of contracting venereal disease, and so on. Actually the above reasons enough for not to do pre-marital sex. But there are many other reasons that need to know:
1. Pre Marriage Sex cause you will be haunted by feelings of guiltOnce you do that and although perhaps no one knows, guilt will always haunt. It could even be you'll be hating yourself for not able to resist pressure to have sex. Feelings like these do not dominate, but usually will always appear every time and will always be a part of you.
2. Because you can be a "sexual person" and things will never again the same as beforeLike if you've tried other things were additive, then there are times when a sense of want or craving to come. As a result, the mind will be filled with sex and interfere with concentration for other things.In other words: precocious.
3. Pre Sex Marriage will change the way of view about sex - foreverSex should be sacred and to be very beautiful if done by married couples. But if done before marriage, it could be turned into sex as something "dirty" and forbidden. This viewpoint is embedded in the mind can keep you, even after you get married later. Unfortunately, right?
4. You will be hard to escape from "the first one"Usually the girls felt the removable hard to bond with a boy she gave virginitasnya. It has nothing to do with the fear that no other guy who will accept him after not virgin. It's a psychological problem. In fact, the guy is not necessarily feel the same.
5. Because dating relationships you can turn into "all about sex"Premarital couples who have committed sex will usually always have a hidden agenda. When and where will do it .... Not infrequently because of their schedules this secret must lie, to anyone. The forms of attention would be biased. Is was really sincere or just sex. In fact, sometimes a fight is going directly hebatpun better just because of sex, and forget the real issue.
6. Pre-Sex Marriage, then you will never enjoy a honeymoon paradiseSince it was unusual to have premarital sex, then the honeymoon should be fun and romantic, is going to be like a regular vacation. There will never be something that is memorable for the rest of your life.
7. Because you can maintain the reputation and does not want "nyesel" at a later dateAlmost certainly, his friends would know if a guy has sex with her boyfriend.So this is a public secret.
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